Sure they speak English in England... but not everything they say has the same meaning. Here are a few of the new phrases we've learned:
British saying American
Pinch a fag bum
a cigarette (no mom, we haven’t picked up smoking).
Pudding If someone asks you if you want pudding -say yes! It usually comes in the form of pie, cake, ice cream, cobbler, and occasionally actual pudding -but whatever it is it will be good. Somehow or other pudding has become an encompassing term for most desserts.
Zebra Crossing Crosswalk; sorry no
zebras on the streets of Bristol
Humped Zebra Crossing We’ll
let your imagination figure that one out…
Biscuits Cookies;
I probably wouldn’t eat them with gravy!
Knocked up What has an
incredibly derogatory connotation in America is a common phrase in England. When
someone says ‘I’ll knock you up at 8’, they mean, ‘I’ll wake you up at 8’ not get you pregnant!
They also
pronounce some things very differently, for instance in our British Prehistory
class we
discussed a site
at Happisbrough. Somehow Happisbrough is pronounced “Hayes-burrow.”
We have no idea
how they came up with that!
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