After the guards marched off we bought tickets to a city sight-seeing bus tour. It turned out to be an amazing idea as our bus had a hilarious tour guide constantly commenting on all of the monuments, streets and passengers. Plus it was double-decker which Jed (Dakota’s 8-year-old brother) loved! At one point we pulled up next to another open air double-decker that was a rival sight-seeing company and he teased that they didn’t look like they were having fun at all and proceeded to tell lots of jokes to brighten both busses’ passenger’s faces!
Right next to Westminster Abbey is Big Ben and the Houses of Parliament which we took photographs of and across the river you can see the London Eye as well.
Our next stop was the Sherlock Holmes Museum where we observed lots of period artifacts and funny wax figures reenacting scenes from some of the stories. All the people in the museum were dressed as maids and police officers from the time too. And of course it was all located at 221 B Baker’s street!
Jed and Neal’s favorite thing to do while they were here in England was to eat ice cream; at least a cone or two a day. Strangely, the weather was in support of it being warm and sunny (instead of the usual cold rain). But, we found out London is not the place to support the ice cream habit –Jed got a cone and it cost 4 pounds –so $6 dollars! That is an expensive snack!
We ended the day by rejoining the tour bus and we were glad to end up back with the hilarious guide we had on the first bus. We rode it around looking at lots of the famous sights in London hearing quirky little tidbits about each:
The lions in Trafalgar Square, we learned, were
designed by a man who had never actually seen a lion! Instead he modeled the
way they are lying down after his Labrador –so if you ever think they are
sitting like a dog you are right!
Most of the clocks in London –and England- have
incorrect numeral 4 on them. Instead of IV they have IIII!
This is because King Louis the XIV (14th) of France banned clocks having IV on them because it was part of his name!
incorrect numeral 4 on them. Instead of IV they have IIII!
This is because King Louis the XIV (14th) of France banned clocks having IV on them because it was part of his name!
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